On Friday, January 21, 2005, at 09:20:06 [UTC+0100] (Friday, January 21,
2005 09:20 my local time) Kian Andersen wrote:

>> Yes, you need special language compiler made by Ritlabs. The language
>> resources compiler uses original English resources published and updated on
>> CVS server, so you need an account there. Additionally you need a CVS
>> client program (I use WinCVS for these purposes).

> That is to much for me! But thanks for the answer!
> I was just thinking some special editor or something!
> Not that it would be cvs and compiler!

The language resource is simply text file, so you can translate it using
arbitrary text editor. Compiler with embedded editor has some
improvements comparing to ordinary editor. I think you should contact
Alexey Vinogradov, the author of BayesIt!, and he will help you. Or, if
you wish, I can send you original English resource this evening.

Best regards,
Zygmunt Wereszczynski
(Using The Bat! v3.0.2.6 on Windows 95 4.0 Build 1111 b)

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