Hi all,

1.    First I thank the person who give me the url of the latest
beta of the bat!

A. where di we talk of this release, the latest mentionned on the beta
page is the
B. and what are the difference between those two versions ?

2. On the Ritlabs's website we can find a version of the Kaspersky's
antivirus plug-in but this version does not seem to work with the
Kaspersky personal pro Antivirus 4.5/5.0 (this version is dated
Does somebody knows if there is currently a workable version of this
antivirus plug-in ?

I send a message to kaspersky's technical support but have had no
response yet...


And an encoding question.

I don't know if it is related to this beta version, because I come
back to the bat! few weeks ago after having tested some other e-mail
clients, but when I receive or send message I noticed something
strange in the message headings.
I don't know what settings are responsible for that, but, each time I
receive a message or send one (whereas it is correctly displayed before
going out), each accented characters are replaced with X letters.
I tried various settings such as "8 bits in heading message" but it
does not seem to impact.

One other strange thing is that some message headings with accented
characters are misinterpreted where others are treated correctly. Does an expert
could try to explain me why ?

Note : my e-mail provider is http://www.imap4all.com, a very great
imap provider which offer tons of features with a very great
Do you thing it could be on its side ?



Claude Renaud   

 Current beta is | 'Using TBBETA' information:
IMPORTANT: To register as a Beta tester, use this link first -

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