Het was op maandag 21 februari 2005 om 22:52 uur dat jij iets schreef over 
'Icons (was: Re[2]: Deep Alpha is now available)' :

Hallo Marcus,
>> download following archive and extract included files with icons into
>> Home directory:

>> http://www.thebat.cz/files/images_3029.zip (140kB)

MO> Yes, now I see the icons, but still no menu labels. Are I and Tony the
MO> only ones not seeing the menu labels? No one else has commented on this.

 ? You want icons AND text?
 Just rest your mousecursor for a second on an icon and you'll get text.

 One thing that I think is odd is the fact that I drag all of the icon groups
 onto  one line, but after closing TheBat! and firing it up again, it's again
 on two lines. I don't want that. But.... that's just a cosmetic thing.


My life is not organized around high probability events.
The Bat! Deep Alpha [A12F0392] running on Windows XP 5.1 build 2600 
Service Pack 2

 Current beta is Deep Alpha | 'Using TBBETA' information:
IMPORTANT: To register as a Beta tester, use this link first -

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