Hello Roelof,

On Tue, 22 Feb 2005 you wrote in <mid:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

RO> Well, I don't have that option set (couldn't find it though), but over
RO> here it expands a little.

In that case I think the option is broken because it expands a little
here too. In fact it is the eigth indentation where it won't expand

RW>> Where are the Keyboard shortcuts stored. ALT+F12 just gies an ampty box
RW>> :-(

RO> You can find them in the shortcut.cfg file in your mail directory.
RO> When I try to use my only self defined shortcut, it doesn't work.
RO> Close TB and start an older version and it works, so the file isn't
RO> corrupted...

Yes, found that out too.


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