
On 22-02-2005 23:24, you [DE] wrote in
>> IMHO, this level of Alpha version should never go public, not even to
>> this list.

DE> I don't agree here. It was advertised as an Alpha release.

OK as per BS standards (yes, I have recently been ISEB certified
software tester), alpha tests/releases per definition take place

>> Only after a program has been thoroughly tested by the developers and
>> a very selective group of volunteers and the program has shown to be
>> stable (not saying bug free!!), it should be made available to a
>> wider audience, i.e. this TBBETA list.

DE> I am sorry but it was released a alpha release.

Yes. See above.

That being said, I don't mind Ritlabs releasing an Alpha to the general
public (although it as per BS standards would be a Beta :-) ) as long as
it is clearly marked as such. People (including myself) have anxiously
been waiting for news from Ritlabs and I suppose that they have released
this version to give people something to "work with".

Personally, I'll wait for the Beta. And then I will wait to hear if IMAP
is better than the one I am using now. Any version after breaks
in my Exchange server environment.

<greeting> Best regards </greeting>  
<author> Peter Fjelsten </author> 
<thebat version> Pro </thebat version>
<env.> ~18 POP3, 1 IMAP (MailMax 5.5) & 1 IMAP (Exchange 6.5), 175K msgs. 
<os> Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 2 </os>  

 Current beta is Deep Alpha | 'Using TBBETA' information:
IMPORTANT: To register as a Beta tester, use this link first -

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