Hello Prezes,

On Friday, February 25, 2005 at 15:52:44 GMT +0100 (which was 15:52:44
where I live), Prezes wrote and made these valuable points on the
subject of "Whitelist from AB":

> Hello,

>   Is it a possibility to implement in new version of BayesIt
>   "whitelist addressbook contact" option? This will be very
>   comfortable... Now, even I have in my addressbook 500 items I must
>   add to whitelist.txt all...

There are anti-spam programs that do not rely on whitelists or blacklists at 
all, they simply don't need it to classify emails as spam or ham. Don't forget 
that white/blacklists can be problematic because "spoofing" is relatively 
simple and then your spammails are being trated as normal mails.

Best regards,

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