Het was op zaterdag 26 februari 2005 om 20:54 uur dat jij iets schreef over 
'duh' :

Hallo Tony,

C>>   Outlook and/or Express

TB>  Believe it or not Lookout Distress can do everything incredimail can and
TB>  can do it better.

 Incredimail totally sucks!
 I'm on a list with some people using that crap.
 Hence I have to cope with various (standard) attachments.

TB>  I've already conceded defeat on the html issue but what happens if it does
TB>  get implemented? How is anyone going to beta test it? html isn't allowed
TB>  on these lists.

 This is true...
 tbbetahtml perhaps??
TB>  Strange isn't it, all this arguing over something that can't be tested on
TB>  a beta test list.

 I totally disagree with all this html stuff.
 First  off:  e-mail  is  for  information  purposes  only,  hence, text will
 Secondly: if you really wanna play with all those bells and whistles, create
 yourself  a nice html-page, upload it to your provider or put it on your own
 site  somewhere,  and  place  a LINK in your e-mail but DON'T BOTHER US with

 Just  my opinion........ i really DON'T want the ultimate html-support. If I
 really wanted that, I'd be using another e-mailclient by now!

 I'm  having  my own domain, and am running some servers on it. And thanks to
 Allie :-) I've just changed my mailserver..... this one supports IMAP. So...
 THAT is what I am interested in...... NOT html.
 Thank you.


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