Hello Goncalo,
On Sunday, February 27, 2005 you wrote:

> Why  not integrate, as an option, the IE engine into the TB? You don't
> want  to  use  it, fine, stick with internal render engine. People who
> don't mind do as they want to.

No.  This  would  be a security flaw, and would influence not only the
ones that turn the option on, but also the others. Besides IE's engine
is quite old and relatively poor.

Ritlabs  used  to  use an external HTML viewing engine and dropped it.
I'm  not  sure  if  they would be in favour of using another 3rd party
software  for  that.  If they did, however, I'm quite sure this should
rather be Gecko -- since Presto is not embedable (I made this word up,
sorry ;D).

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