Het was op maandag 28 februari 2005 om 23:39 uur dat jij iets schreef over 
'macro miseries turning me into a zombie' :

Hallo Boris,
>>  But THIS gives me a headache... :
BA> I'll try.

>> Die im Nachfolgenden aufgeführten Makros schreibe in eine Schnellvorlage,
BA> you have to write the following listed macros into a quick template

>> und rufe diese dann innnerhalb der Nachrichtenvorlage mit
>> %QINCLUDE="Name_der_Schnellvorlage" auf.
BA> and call it with %QInclude="Name_of_Quicktemplate" in a template up.

>> Alternativ kann man auch den Namen der Schnellvorlage an
>> entsprechender Stelle im Nachrichteneditor schreiben,
BA> Alternative you can write the name of the quick template in the right
BA> position of the (message)editor

>> und mit der Tastenkombination Ctrl + Leertaste bzw. Strg + Leertaste
>> ausführen lassen.
BA> and run it with the "hot key" ctrl + space

>>  I've been reading this and rereading....  must be technical german.
BA> Fear that my translation isn't better?

 I wouldn't say that!
 Been reading and rereading your reply, and you DO make sense!

 I suppose Strg + Leertaste would be for the Macintosh?
 And Ctrl+Leertaste, or ctrl+space in english is for the pc?
 Pity that quicktemplates don't work in this version of thebat.
 But I'll definitely will figure all this out when things fall into space and
 start  working  again.  Thanks  for your translation, I've copied your reply
 into my "keep" folder! You've been a big help.

 And.... nighty night.... see you tomorrow.


Her vocabulary was as bad as, like, whatever...
The Bat! Pre-Beta [A12F0392] running on Windows XP 5.1 build 2600 
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