Hello Peter,

Peter Ouwehand wrote (in <mid:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>):

>>> - Using Plain text/MicroEd: With a single line of text, after using
>>> Centered, Align Left won' t function; after using Align Right
>>> (rightmost margin), Centered and Align Left won' t function at all.
>>> Using multiple lines, Align left won't function, i.e. won't align to
>>> the leftmost margin. Shift-Ctrl-F is broken ...

>> Could you please provide some visual examples? For me, Alt+L after
>> Alt+R is functioning OK...

> I have been using the Formatting toolbar, which seem to have the same
> behaviour as ALT-L/C/R.

Thats correct. But the behaviour didn't change in Alpha - this
behaviour can be observed in or 3.0.1 RC6 or even 2.12.10 (but
maybe this behaviour is since 1.0 :-).

Boris Anders, http://www.batboard.de

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