On Saturday, March 05, 2005 at 7:19:03 AM [GMT -0500], Boris
Anders wrote:

> Button? Which button? *search*

You can switch from viewing attachments in the pane that's
in the viewer and just have them reduced to a menu list,
invoked via a button in the header bar.

> If you mean, that View - Attached Files don't work, I can
> confirm and say, that it isn't an IMAP issue.


   ..        .  .   |  IMAP Client: The Bat!™ v3.0.9.4 Return
 _.||* _     |\/|   |    IMAP Server: MDaemon Pro
(_]|||(/,____|  |   |  OS: Windows XP Pro (Service Pack 2)
 Some People, like Flowers, Give Pleasure Just by Being.

Attachment: pgpKakRsVDI7q.pgp
Description: PGP signature

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