Hallo Richard,

On Sat, 26 Mar 2005 02:17:47 +0100GMT (26-3-2005, 2:17 +0100, where I
live), you wrote:

RO>> What font/size are you using? Over here it's MS sans serif 8 pts

RW> I know this message was to Cees but we're running the same system. I
RW> normally use Arial 10 pts so tried with MS sans serif 10 pts. When
RW> closing and reopening it goes to 8 pts so I suppose it's not surprising
RW> you can't see the change :-)

I thought it might be something like this.

RW> Could you make yours 10 pts and see what happens?

Cool, I changed the font size and after closing and restarting I got
my original (and sensible sized) font back, until I did Option->Pref->OK
That gave me my configured size back. Changed it back of course.

So, confirmed!

Groetjes, Roelof

Veni, Vidi, Vegi. (I came, I saw, I had a salad)

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