I tried to do a scheduled upgrade of an existing backupfile. The Bat!
started but asked for a password and as far I know that file had not
been password protected. When I hit the ok-button the program
continued. At the end I noticed that my original backupfile 29th of
March 2005.tbk had not been upgraded but there there was a new file named:
29th of March 2006.tbk???

I just scheduled a single backup and that worked like a charm!

The Bat!™ Natural Email System v3.0.9.10 Professional on Windows XP SP2
When your key is not certified with a trusted signature! Keysigning is
possible when you have a X.509 certificate from Thawte or CAcert with
your name on it

Attachment: pgp3Y0JNU6giP.pgp
Description: PGP signature

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