Hi TB Beta list members,

1) Define Ctrl+Enter as shortcut

   I am unable to assign Ctrl+Enter to any shortcut or button,
   although it already exists as a defined shortcut. I am used to
   using Ctrl+Enter to finish editing an email and have it placed in
   the outbox. Now it is hard coded to "Send now" and cannot be

2) Unable to globally use Ctrl+J for Mark as Junk

   I want to do this, as it is obviously much easier to use. However,
   the Ticker / folder view doesn't have access to the
   MailerForm_shortcuts set used to define the Main interface
   shortcuts. The MessageListViewer_Shortcuts set is the only set
   available in that situation. The shortcut definer there doesn't
   allow me to set Ctrl+J for the Mark as Junk function. I guess
   because it's already in use. But it shouldn't be. These are not
   mutually exclusive areas.

3) Scroll bar

   All scroll bars everywhere seem to be out-of-whack. They all show
   slack scroll areas - the ScrollRange is set beyond the bounds of
   the list / view. If you drag any scroll bar to the bottom of the
   track, the list / window scrolls well beyond the end of data.

4) Headers in message/folder view

   If I right click on a message header and slide into the headers
   sub-menu, none of the currently shown header items are selected. If
   I select an item, the currently shown headers all vanish to be
   replaced by the single selected option. If I carry on and select
   the headers I want displayed, the selection list does not survive
   closing the window.

5) Missing navigation functions

   I did moan about this one before. All versions of TB before 3.0.9
   included a view previous / next message in navigation. I really
   miss this. I mean, previous / next in list is a pretty basic
   function! It's up / right in terms of arrow keys while in the list,
   sure. But without it being a named / in the menu as a function, the
   operations cannot be performed while the message list does not have
   the focus. This is important. Honest!

6) AV errors - not logged in except.log

   Now - let's see. Sometimes these cascade. Sometimes I can get in
   long enough to close, but it gets nasty errors on exit. This lot
   ended up in a hard loop:
     AV @ 0057EC97 ... read of 2B203042
     AV @ 00B4C613 ... read of 0000025C
     AV @ 00B72C96 ... read of 000001CC
     AV @ 03853E42 ... read of 00013006 (not in The Bat)
     AB @ 00000000 ... read of 00000000 (looping)

Cheers --  //.arck D Pearlstone -- List moderator and fellow end user
TB! v3.0.9.11 Return on Windows XP 5.1.2600 Service Pack 2

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