Hello B,

  A reminder of what B R i a N S on TBBETA typed on:
  07 April 2005 at 22:19:57 GMT +0200

BRiaNS> you are wrong,

  No, I'm not!!

BRiaNS>  that's 'Message Security-Button

You are wrong, it's the PGP button.

BRiaNS>  not 'Import-Public-Key-Button'

Funny that, I clicked it and it imported an open PGP key. So unless your
sitting next to me and know exactly what I'm looking at don't tell me I'm

And just to prove it beyond all doubt see  what happened when I clicked the
button (Complete with icon) on the pgp signed message you sent.



Attachment: smime.p7s
Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

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