Hello beta testers.

 I have found the following issues with the latest beta (after testing
 for 10 mins) - confirmations would be nice:

 #   IMAP mailboxes are connected to/refreshed on startup although this
     has been "unticked".

 #   Parked messages/drafts in Outboxes bold them. Icon wrong (old
     "parked" icon and not "draft" icon).

 #   I still cannot delete parked messages in local Outbox for IMAP
     accounts - they _are_ moved to IMAP remote Trash but aren't removed
     from local Outbox.

 #   Account Options: IMAP fine-tune "Allow N concurrent connections..."
     text is wrapped and under other text strings.

 #   This is almost certainly known: Old keyboard shortcuts are not

 What I like:

 #   IMAP mailboxes seem to be bolded immediately when new mail arrives.
     But I need more testing to be sure.

 #   I suppose the "sort by thread" will be split up in "sort by
     reference only" and "sort by reference and subject" - this would be
     nice as I correspond with a lot of users of the broken e-mailer,
     Outlook and for them, I need the combined mode. However, would it
     be possible to show combined modes more cleverly, i.e. with more
     levels? I get:
          Original message
                 +--- Reply
                 +--- My reply to the reply above
     Would it not be possible to devise something that looks like this:
          Original message
                 +--- Reply
                        +--- My reply to the reply above
     Based on "Correspondence with same person and looking at time
     stamp" and maybe even using the Outlook Thread-Topic and
     Thread-Index headers if available?
 #   Does anybody have any idea what the new IMAP option "Auto
     filtering" does?

<greeting> Best regards </greeting>  
<author> Peter Fjelsten </author> 
<thebat version> Return Pro </thebat version>
<env.> ~18 POP3, 1 IMAP (MailMax 5.5) & 1 IMAP (Exchange 6.5), 150K msgs. 
<os> Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 1 </os>


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