Hello all,
Wednesday, April 20, 2005, Boris Anders wrote:

> <irony>Great, now we have all these bug 2 twice. That makes all much
> easier and saves much work.</irony>

Bugtraq is main place for bugreports, I don't understand Your irony.

> Sorry, but I really can't understand why you copy all bugs from the
> great list of Peter into Bugtracker.

TBBETA  is a place for discussing bugs, Bugtraq is a place for telling
developers  about  them and where are bugs easily maintained and under
control.  And all developers with official support is working with it.
I have described it and if You really need an answer, I can answer You
with  no problem - Max wanted it, because Ritlabs can read all hundred
messages  sent  daily  to TBBETA, but will not have time to solve them

> (BTW: That's the reason why I didn't published my BugList for NFS!)

who  told You to not add them into Bugtraq? And which NFS related bugs
were included in list of Peter? Some of bugs were already reported and
some of them were missing and I have added them.



Marek Mikus
Czech support of The Bat!

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under Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 1
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