Hi all,

Ok. I saw the last beta announcement and see that a lot of
fixing was done.

The general thing I've initially encountered is having to
redo some of my folders message list view mode settings and
readjust a couple of the view modes. The readjustments seem
to remain set so that's fine.

For IMAP, things were glitchy at first. It was initially not
off to a good start when I selected my TBBETA folder and
attempted loading a message. Nothing happened and this was
in my IMAP log:

IMAP - 1: Cannot select the mailbox "TBBETA". Server reports: SELECT completed

I don't know what that means. I killed the IMAP connection
and tried again. Same result.

I exited and restarted. For a few moments I couldn't seem to
get any folder doing anything. I disconnected and
reconnected. Nothing. Waited and then it started updating
folders, something it usually does at startup. The usual
cocophony of sounds started since I haven't used TB! for a
while. You see, I filter most mail on the server and when
'new mail' is detected in these folders, a sound is made for
each of them. This is even if the sound is the same and if
the messages were already read using another client. This
behaviour needs tidying up.

TB! seems to be behaving OK for the last many minutes and
I've browsed around etc. The I/O Read/Writing seems decent
and things are snappy.

My main problem is with connection stability, so I can't
comment on this without using TB! for a prolonged time. I'll
use it at home for a while.

One problem that stands out is that for messages that
haven't been retrieved, there's no indication of whether or
not messages are multipart. So messages with attachments
aren't flagged as such in the message list unless you
retrieve the message.

I don't have any of my folders set to synchronise. Their
counts are just updated. Upon selecting each message, the
message body is retrieved. I wish there were a way to
prevent message count updating for some folders, even though
you're subscribed to them. The reason for this is that
browsing unread messages becomes easier. I can just move
from new message to new message without ending up in my junk
and other folders I wish not to browse except only
occasionally. If these folders are updated, they'll not have
new messages unless I select them, at which point their
numbers are updated. The work around is to work with the
alert that asks if you wish to proceed to the next folder.
Not a good one if you do wish to do so 98% of the time.

  -= Allie Martin =-
The Bat!™ v3.0.9.18 Return
System Specs: http://www.landscreek.net/sysspecs.htm
Real men write self-modifying code.

 Current beta is Return | 'Using TBBETA' information:
IMPORTANT: To register as a Beta tester, use this link first -

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