Hello Boris,

On Thursday, April 28, 2005 at 12:46:13 AM Boris [BA] wrote:

>>   2.05-4.05    TB! 3.5 (Return) Release Candidate 2
>>     Fix of non-fixed and fix of the bugs created by fixing :-)

BA> Are you planing to fix all bugs which appeared in this beta cycle (and
BA> are known)? If not, when do you plan to fix these ones. I strongly
BA> recommend to fix all bugs - the 3.5 will get much attention of users
BA> (especially of those, who didn't use TheBat! yet, because of its UI).
BA> Hope you use this chance and present a very stable version to the new
BA> users.

Seconded. Absolutely seconded. This upcoming final will contain to
much new and (hopefully) fixed / improved / made up things compared to
the last release, to give away the chance to get a *superb* reputation
in so many magazines and and mouth-to-mouth propaganda.

>>   6.05-7.05    TB! 3.5 (Return) Final
BA> I recommend to announce the Final in TBBeta list, maybe even a view
BA> hours before official release - so if there's a very hard showstopper in
BA> it (made from fixing in RC2) beta testers have a chance to warn you.

A maybe even better idea is to "release" a RC3 on this period, let the
Tester have a last look on it and release this RC unchanged as "Final"
on evening of 7th or morning of 8th if final testing does not reveal
anything new. Announcing the Final here *will* make it's way around the
world although it's not announced officially and it *will* be
downloaded immediately everywhere, so the intended effect will be
dropped (IMHO).
Peter Palmreuther

(The Bat! v3.0.9.20 Return on Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 2)

Politeness, n.: The most acceptable hypocrisy. -- Ambrose Bierce

 Current beta is Return | 'Using TBBETA' information:
IMPORTANT: To register as a Beta tester, use this link first -

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