Hello MAU!

On Thursday, April 28, 2005, 10:30 AM, you wrote:

>> Yes, at the expense of putting the "size" column out of view on the
>> message list. <sigh>

> A simple question: How often do you look for the size of a message or
> for the total number of messages in a folder?  :)

Total unread: quite frequently. To gauge against how much time I have
to read them.

Size of message: noticed before opening it. My head is my Spam filter,
and my back-up Trojan/Worm/Virus defense. I look first at everything
about the messages on the Mail Dispatcher's list. But sometimes when
there are many or I'm sleepy, a piece of Spam--I'm being offered a
couple a day now--will slip through. I'll recognize it by the
unfamiliar To, From, or Subject lines, and I like to notice the size
before deleting it.

This is a hangover from my Outlook Express days, when an Elkern worm
piggy-packed itself onto Klez-H, through my sister's Outlook Express
preview pane and so compromised her old machine that she had to
abandon it for a new one. Ah--that's three years ago, now. :)

The fine safety of TB!'s core and the TB! mailing lists and F-Secure
2005 and Sygate still have not allayed this apprehensiveness. Personal
to me, and not anything I really ought to be worrying you and this
list about, Miguel.

But thanks for the supportive answers and the compliment you sent me
in your reply to Thomas Fernandez. :)

Best regards,
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