> You're right. Everything works and the program is fully usable. But as you

> also said these bugs are a litte bit annoying and I think that I'm not the

> only person who sees these bugs.

Right now, I would say that the program is just barely useable.  The Imap

folder hierarchy is a mess when the program first starts.  It is often necessary

to delete a few tasks from the task manager to get the program going at

first (new with .20), and it can take a few restarts for TB to be stable (also

new with .20).  It is often necessary to switch folders back and forth to

get a message to display in the preview window.  This can be the cure as well when

the reply to button opens a blank new message rather than a reply.  None

of these things appear to me to be anything more than random.  I understand that

this kind of thing can be difficult to fix, but it is essential to do so, I think.

More little things:  All icons only show half of themselves.  All checkboxes are reversed in

meaning in program setup and sorting office.  Very bad impression for new users.

Programmers and especially software development managers are painfully aware that

the rewards go to the first product to market.  If the software is out there being sold,

it is much easier to have funds for continued development.  Fix bugs then, we always

think.  So many times, the fix bugs later date never arrives.  Every single email client 

out there follows this philosophy.  

Right now, in terms of features and support of IMAP, TB holds the first product to market 

position.  Eudora holds the stable and trouble free position (most noticeably, their

Baysian filter works and works well.  No other email client can make that claim), but 

lacks many of the nice things that TB offers.  The mail ticker is pure genius.  But it too 

has a problem.  Once in a while it will loose touch with what has been read.  Solution, 

close it and reopen.  I suspect that the developers could spend the next year on nothing 

but polishing TB.  I would be immensely gratified if that were to happen.  Just think, guys, 

you could be first and also best.  



Using The Bat! v3.0.9.20 Return on Windows XP 5.1 Build  2600

Service Pack 2.  Primarily using IMAP.

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