Het was op donderdag 28 april 2005 om 18:15 uur dat jij iets schreef over 'IMAP 
frustrations, too' :

Hallo Raymund,

RT> I have to say that IMAP is still giving me a hard time.

RT> Well, there is still this long time till it starts to fetch mails,

RT> which seems to be GMX related but only for TB! as far as I can see. If
RT> Ritlabs needs a test account at GMX I can create one.

RT> Second, as long as it show all tasks as in queque, I can't access my
RT> folders. They simply just show no content. After sync the content is
RT> shown, but most times I could have answered a mail until then.

RT> Third, if the connection is dialed up from TB! it chrashes at the same
RT> time the first entry of the queque for IMAP gets active. This doesn't
RT> happen if the IMAP account isn't set to sync on startup.

 don't know: my imap-account is on my own mailserver.
RT> Fourth, I have set my TBBeta folder sync mode to Full Messages so I
RT> would expect that clicking on any message there would show the message
RT> immediatly instead a task in the CC turns up that the message content
RT> is about to be retrieved.

RT> Fifth, I have set the checkmark for one connection fro message
RT> retrieval. Now I have a task in the CC showing Scan \\Inbox using
RT> connection Msg.

 uh,  I have set it to 10 connections; used to be 5, but doesn't make one bit
 of  difference.  It  still  doesnt'do  what it is supposed to do. Syncing et

 I'm  going  to  see  another  Nightmare on Elmstreet.... no. 7 have seen the
 others this evening and yesterday... have to get rid of my frustrations. :)

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