Hello "Me",

Friday, April 29, 2005, 8:58:16 PM, you wrote:

CM> I am using 3.5 RC1 right now, which I upgraded from via
CM> and under Win2K-SP4.

CM> Problem here is, that localization within the menus does not work.
CM> No matter, which language I choose, the menus stay english.

CM> However, the Forms / Dialogs get localized to the language I
CM> choose (tried dutch and german).

Am I the only one, experiencing this behaviour?

Or did I miss something during setup of the betas?

I remember, that the first 3.0.9.x-betas included a lot more files
than those two in and .20.

Are missing files the solution to my problem?

If this is the case, Ritlabs should remember to include
those files in the release of 3.5! :-)

Hope, I get a comment about it.

Best regards,

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