Hello Roger!

On Monday, May 02, 2005, 3:01 AM, you wrote:

>>>> ... It might not be too late to persuade the developers to include
>>>> them as separate threading options before the 3.5 release is done.

< ... >

MB>> And it should make their sense of having done the right thing a
MB>> joy to them, in keeping faith with their customers who need this
MB>> [separate "thread by reference"] option. :)

> Amen  to  everything  you've  said, but I've a terrible fear that once
> again  they  will  ignore  all  advice  and  stick to their time-table
> regardless.  We can only pray hard that for once they see reason.

Miguel has answered me with a post describing the situation very

So perhaps we can get this issue, and others, like the very un-English
tooltip terminology "Follow next" and "Follow previous" instead of
"Move up" and "Move down" the message list, addressed in the next
beta series.

There are shortcut issues also, in the Customization
"work-in-progress," which apparently will be addressed after the final
release of v. 3.5.

Best regards,
The Bat 3.5 Return RC1 on Windows XP 5.1 2600 Service Pack 2

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