Hello Mary!

On Friday, May 06, 2005, 10:57 AM, you wrote:

>> Result: a blank square beside View/Toolbars/ .

>> Anyone confirm?

>> If so, is there a way to undo this so I can continue testing the
>> customize function?

> Oh! Okay. Right-Click on "New" which did show up on the Main window menu.
> There it all is--Standard, Configuration, Quick Search, and Customise.
> Sub-menu to my enigmatic "New." Which I supposed would take me to my
> QT-edit window!

> Astonishing! I think that I'll attempt to change it back. Whew! :)

Big, as in major, mistake! I removed "New" from the Main Menu bar with
ease. That did not take away the blank square by View/Toolbar.

Ah--again, maybe not so major. A little exploring, a right-click on
the blank square, yielding nothing.

But, Yay! A right-click on View yields the choices: Standard,
Configuration, Quick Search, and Customise. While a left click yields
Toolbars plus its blank square and the usual menu along with it.

Am I a geek, or what?

Who needs a Help File, when she's retired, with plenty of time? Sorry,
Thomas, Costa, could not resist.

Miguel, that was indeed a very funny joke! Bring on the San Miguel, so
I can toast you for it!!

Best regards,
The Bat 3.5 Return RC4 on Windows XP 5.1 2600 Service Pack 2

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