Het was op zondag 8 mei 2005 om 15:26 uur dat jij iets schreef over 'fix all 
bugs' :

Hallo Gary,
G> the reason is that Gleason is sending HTML email to the list, and this 
G> shows an additional CR.

okay I'm trying to reply now with windows editor option. Normally I use the 
first option, plain text microed, but for testing purposes....
THIS editor does not wrap and quote as it should, see above.

Additional question: can it not be arranged that the preferred editor can be 
chosen PER ACCOUNT? I have an emaillist on my gmailaccount which requires 
htmleditor. Pictures have to be included IN the message and not with the 
paperclip-option. So for that account I want htmleditor, for the other 3 I want 
to use plaintext. 


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