Hello 9Val,

9Val wrote (in <mid:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>):

> Are there any volunteers to participate in contest of finding AVs in
> customizer?

Maybe you should have removed the old ones, so that we have fair
conditions (hm, maybe not only because of this).

So, I'll try:

1. Start TheBat! - Customize
   Select Container: Main Menu (menu bar)
   Select Available Items: ConnectionCentre - Delete
   Select Current Item: Help
   Select Connection Centre
   Select "Move in" (4. Icon)
   Get AV.

2. Start TheBat! - Customize
   Select New...
   Select OK
   Select Delete
   Get AV.

a. Not an AV but also a Bug:
   The tooltips (yellow box, which appears if you move your courser over
   an button) are missing or wrong ("Hint" for seperator) for the middle

b. Not an AV but also a Bug:
   Start TheBat! - Customize
   Select Main Menu (menu bar)
   Expand current Item: Help
   Add Seperator (3. Icon) to the bottom
   Move Seperator one Up (6. Icon)
   Seperator get focus lost, if you want move it up once more, you have
   select him again

Boris Anders, http://www.batboard.de

 Current beta is 3.5 Return RC/8 | 'Using TBBETA' information:
IMPORTANT: To register as a Beta tester, use this link first -

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