Hello Allie,

> Mulberry doesn't parse headers locally for IMAP mailboxes. It just uses
> the parsing the server does. TB! doesn't do that.

Not true - this is what I tried to say. The Bat! recognises signed messages
using IMAP features when it synchronises or downloads messages for preview
(when the option to download text only is set). It also recognises presence
of attachments and signed messages if it downloads message structures
together with message headers. The reason why TB! recognises signatures is
because it uses IMAP features AND parses messages locally (when messages
are loaded into the viewer), not because it is ignoring IMAP advantages :-)

> OTOH, there are many examples that can be sited where TB! does take
> advantage of IMAP capability where selective retrieval is concerned or
> where it depends on the server to provide specific data about messages
> in mailboxes.

Well, it's a completely different problem - some concepts and algorithms
must be optimised, this is a topic of the next Beta series :-)

Best regards,
 Stefan                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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