Hello Marcus!

On Thursday, May 19, 2005, 2:42 AM, you wrote:

>>>> In fact, if I didn't have the "yellowish icons" solution to my
>>>> vision problems that I got from MAU
>>> Naughty guy, that MAU, giving you a vision problem and all...;-)
>> Come on, Marcus, you're better at English grammar than that! ;)

> No, I'm not, I promise (but I know what you are alluding to and thank
> you for that comment :-)

I was just in a mischief-making mood. You were entirely right, and my
infinitive modifier was misplaced.

> I was aware I might be wrong, I should be when criticising a former
> teacher of the English language, ...

I did indeed get caught out by you, and the effect of my error was--I
admit it--truly funny.

> ... but I took a shot. To my Swedish ears, the last part of the
> sentence usually refers to the part before, if you don't enclose the
> part before in commas or similar dividers and hence make it a
> subordinate clause.

It's the same in English. You were and are 100% right. I don't want
the teasing mode I adopted to mislead you or anyone else.

That's why I'm replying on-list.

> Well, this is clearly OT so I stop here and thank you for the English
> lesson of today.

My apologies for not making it more clear that the challenge back was
simply joking on my part. And it gave me a chance to thank Miguel
again for the "yellowish icons." :)

> And, as you know, there is nothing saying we can't continue this off
> list :-)

Indeed. :) Any time. But it's worth chancing a fish to me, to set the
record straight publicly that your interpretation of English grammar
rules is immaculate and comprehensive on this point.

Thanks, too, for letting me laugh at myself. ;)

Best regards,
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