Hi Gary,
On Friday, May 20, 2005, you wrote:

> Hi Jonathan,

> On Fri, 20 May 2005 09:39:44 -0500 UTC (5/20/2005, 9:39 AM -0500 UTC my
> time), Jonathan Angliss wrote:

J>> Sure, and if all clients/servers worked in RFC compliance, we would
J>> never have any of these issues.

> yes, just look at how many problematic email servers are out there floating
> around with this old basic protocol.

RFC3501 isn't "that" old... I think it's dated 2003, but the one it
supercedes is dated 1996, still not "that" old.

J>> There are "hacks" to a lot of major IMAP server implementations to
J>> support buggy clients, and visa versa too.

> One of the greatest non-compliant clients of all time are the earlier
> versions of Outlook.

Indeed... several common open source imap servers still have options
to support such :)

J>> Check the IMAP fine tune menu in the account dialog, there is one right
J>> there for Courier :)

> exactly my point :)  This is needed by TB!, yet is not needed by Mulberry
> when talking to a Courier server.

I think this had something to do with the APPEND command, but I don't
remember exactly... not sure why it'd be needed, unless they were
expecting a result set back that they get from other servers, but not
courier, and the option toggles a research of the drafts/whatever


>>> Now here is where I disagree with you. Yes, it is a must in the RFC, but
>>> it is not up to the client to fix a broken server, and I believe that is
>>> what you are asking above. You are asking a client to pick up and make a
>>> non-compliant server compliant, to fix is shortcomings. So, where does it
>>> end? Should a client fix any broken IMAP server for whatever reason, e.g.
>>> broken attributes or commands. One should only assume that any server is
>>> 100% compliant. IMO, that is the only way to build a client. Everything
>>> else leads to speculation, and isn't that why we have RFCs?

J>> Okay, maybe we'll look at this differently... The header that was
J>> broken was the one added by Mulbery. That means that Mulbery was the
J>> one that generated the non-RFC compliant header by not having the < >
J>> in the headers.


> The answer lies with Tony, as he opened his logging capability when
> talking to his IMAP server and sent it off, showing the server side
> problem. Perhaps if he would send it off to you, off list, this
> might help.

Sure, but I think the point I made still stands, not withstanding the
log from the server to see what was going on :) ie, if the server
sends a message-id without the < > around it, Mulbery should send it
WITH them... RFC2822 requires it.


J>> I think the only person that really knows, and understands RFC3501
J>> as it should be understood is Marc Crispin ;)

> LOL... Mr. UW-IMAP with all that code bloat... probably so :)

Aye, that is one beast, and unusually programmed... not entirely sure
what the goals were in some of the things he did (like being allowed
to read /etc/passwd from the IMAP server).

Jonathan Angliss

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