Hello Mary!

On Tuesday, May 24, 2005, 1:48 PM, you wrote:

> ... have just done an install (I thought) of TB! v. 3.5, choosing
> complete Install, over v.  I used the 3.5 file which I
> downloaded on May 13, 2005.
> Didn't take.
> Still have v., according to Help/About.
> I shall now try reverting via the XP Restore point that I set.

It worked. Phew!

> If that doesn't work, I think I'm in Big Trouble! :unreal2:

Saved by XP's Restore Point! :bat2angel:

Cautionary tale here to RitLabs:

1) If you put a post-release fix URL up, write it sufficiently
differently that one can revert to the 3.5 build by overwriting the
new install.

2) Consider trying any post-release fixes out on the TBBETA list from
a different place than your main website, to avoid running totally new
customers off.

3) Wherever you put these post-release builds, leave the old one up
for people to retrieve, in case they forgot to save it somewhere on
their machines and are not running XP, with its convenient Restore
Point function.

A word to the wise! :pointmade:

Best regards,
The Bat 3.5 on Windows XP 5.1 2600 Service Pack 2

 Current beta is (none) | 'Using TBBETA' information:
IMPORTANT: To register as a Beta tester, use this link first -

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