On 5/25/05, Gleason Pace <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > Okay, Gleason, but still MS Office Packs install automatically.

> I'm saying that I have seen situations when they didn't.

Sorry, I meant to say Windows Updates. And, yes, I did encounter one
or two problematic updates that I had to manually work around. But on
those very rare occasions, the manual fix was not that big a detail...
relatively speaking.

> >I  mean, what am I supposed to do if there is something "lurking" in
> >my  registry? I probably would not know what to look for and would
> >only  find it after the installation went awry anyway.
> Maybe not, but your chances are better.

Well, Gleason, first of all, when we end up talking about a situation
where "chances are better" with an installation of OTFE, I guess that
sums up why I have not done it yet.

Second, maybe your chances would be better with the manual process...
but I suspect for most people their chances would be better with an
automated process. Imagine how many TBs would be sold if Ritlabs
provided a bunch of files and lengthy but vague instructions on where
each file had to go and what you had to write into your registry just
to install the software!

Personally, I don't think that this case is significantly different.
Ritlabs is telling me that I can get a feature, but I have to do a
backup, uninstall the program so that I can do a clean install, and
then after my clean install try to import my old settings and
directories and templates and whatever else I had, keeping my fingers
crossed that not too much will go wrong in this process, which you
assure me will take only ten minutes, inshaallah.

Anyway, I guess we will have to agree to disagree. But despite the
fact that you think my chances would be better with that manual
approach, do you see any technical difficulty with Ritlabs providing
an automated script for the process, assuming someone (like me) would
feel more secure with the spoonfed process?

Avi Yashar
Windows XP Pro SP2 and The Bat! Pro 3.5

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