Hello Peter,

On Tue, 24 May 2005 19:40:25 +0200 GMT (25/05/2005, 00:40 +0700 GMT),
Peter Palmreuther wrote:

TF>> To post in the usenet, you need to own an FQDN (fully-qualified domain
TF>> name).

PP> You don't.

I thought I did. Mine is @thomas-bkk.my-fqdn.de. Search Google News
and you'll find my postings.

This goes back to http://einklich.net/usenet/netscape.htm (sorry to
the others, it's in German) and to flames I got on the usenet using
GMX mids in the beginning.

PP> For usenet the same applies as for e-mail: MID just got to
PP> be *unique for each message*.

OK, let's talk about RFCs. There was one (pertaining to the usenet
only) saying that you need to own the domain if you want to create
mids from it. I'll search for that RFC, but maybe you're faster.

PP> "You need an own FQDN for posting the usenet" is an urban legend,
PP> which much to often is quoted, because it makes it simple to tell
PP> the people how to generate a unique MID.

Tell that to Volker Gringmuth (a guru on the de.* hierarchy of the

TF>> I have one, just for the usenet. If you use domains like gmx or
TF>> yahoo, actually they must ensure that the mid is unique.

PP> You should do your best to ensure, but how can you *make sure* it is
PP> unique, if you use a domain like 'gmx.net' or 'yahoo.com'? You can't,


PP> and as far as I've heard nobody ever died because of a duplicate MID,
PP> so I'd say: if *accidentally* some day two Yahoo- or GMX-users
PP> generate the same MID it *MIGHT* cause trouble and confusion, but
PP> there're worse things in the world, really.

See above.

TF>> Since this isn't as important in email as in news postings,

PP> Sorry, this is bu^W nonsense. Either you hold the point "MID is a
PP> unique message identification entity", than it's same important for
PP> mail as it is for usenet. Or you're saying "MID on email ain't
PP> important", that it does not necessarily need to be unique, simply
PP> because it's not important.

You misunderstand. News postings get propagated across servers, ML
postings don't.

TF>> I am not sure that 192.x.x.x qualifies as an FQDN.

PP> No, because it ain't neither a *name* nor a *domain name*, not to
PP> speak about *full qualified*.


PP> But that's not the point.


PP> No RFC says you *have* to use the FQDN,

This is the point I'll have to prove to you.

TF>> In fact, I'm pretty sure it doesn't and you'd be flamed in the
TF>> usenet. Luckily, we are not in the usenet.

PP> Luckily. Because those who would flame are hidebound geeks, that do
PP> not want their house of cards fall down. You know one of those
PP> "paragraph riders", that feel picked to defend even the final period
PP> and comma in every circumstance, of course as *they* interpret it.

True. Are you on the de.* hierarchy of the usenet?

PP> Thomas, don't get me wrong: this is nothing personal, nor against
PP> you ("Please don't feel singled out", as an other group of list
PP> members would write ;-)). It's just the fact there was so much
PP> half-true or even false stuff about MIDs floating around, I could not
PP> left your first quoted statement uncommented in the archive(s) :-)

I don't take this personally, don't worry. We are discussing an issue,
and I need to find that RFC Volker G. refers to.



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