Hello Tony,

  A reminder of what Tony Boom on TBBETA typed on:
  01 June 2005 at 11:33:05 GMT +0200

>  The messages in question get marked as read and I can even delete them
>   but they don't display.

 Forgot to say I can read them perfectly fine with Mulberry but even after
 restarting TB they still don't display, I even tried a complete PC reboot
 without joy.

 I'm desperately trying to stick with TB, even to the point of resigning
 myself to the fact I have to expunge manually with CTRL+C until RIT fix
 the problem.

 Thing is what can I do with messages that don't display at all? Hope
 they're not important and delete them or STILL have to rely on Mulberry?

 As one door closes, another one slams in your face!

Using The Bat! v3.5.24 Windows XP Home SP2
Pentium IV, 2.4Ghz Home Built Desktop.

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