Hello Feli,

Thursday, June 2, 2005, 11:19:41 AM, you wrote:

> Hello Chris,

> On Thu, 2 Jun 2005 10:49:20 +0100GMT Chris Wilson wrote:

CW>> If I expand all threads in a folder, select all messages, and go to
CW>> right click, Move to Folder, select a folder in another account and
CW>> move them they have lost their previously parked status.

> And this is a correct behaviour. You cannot move parked messages,
> because the parking flag prevents deleting. You have to copy the
> messages to the new folder (they keep the flag) and delete the originals
> afterwards.

I think I see logic in how Ritlabs did this, but it's a Royal PITA when
moving large blocks of messages between accounts! Maybe an option to
have the alternative behaviour of moved messages re-inheriting their
parked status would be good?

Thanks for the reply!

Best regards,
 Chris                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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