Hello Beta-Batpeople,

It's probably not what 9Val had intended with his question "The most un-obvious 
and it certainly isn't really "about programming in se"-reply.

Strictly speaking, it isn't even a reply...

Lately, I've been looking for a way to save some time.

The main address-data I am using are in:

- an MS Access-database (clients)
- Time & Chaos (clients an professional contacts)
- The Bat!

Some (number is growing daily) are in 2 or even 3 of the abovementioned. Very 
nice if
someone decides to change his/her address, email or other data (haven't had 
changing day of birth, though), I have to update all of those databases...

So, what are the alternatives?

[Let's start by saying I haven't found (nor looked for) a solution as far as 
the MS-Access
database is concerned. So, when I say, "only one program running", I'm not 
taking into
account Access.]

- Start using Outlook. That's only one program running and I can synchronise 
with my PDA
  Do I have to mention Outlook is inferior to TB! as far as mail is concerned?
  (It has IMAP, but I haven't tried that out)

-Start using Barca. Also, only one program running, but I cannot synchronise 
with my PDA
 (currently that's only possible with Palm-based PDA's). Mail handling 
(personalisation) is
 better than Outlook, but it still isn't The Bat!...
 (It also has IMAP, but I haven't tried that either)

- Find someone who writes a tool to synchronise TB! and T&C!  :-)

  I have tried the latest version of "Dawn", but that one takes most of my PC's
  memory and I have to "kill" it. Besides, Dawn doesn't synchronise address 
book data.

  I still prefer TB! by far, AFA as mail handling/writing is concerned.

  Barca is better for reading HTML-mail coming from trusted, professional 

  Personally I have no problems with TB-IMAP, but then again, I only have one 
  account with little traffic, so I'm not going to contradict "heavier" users...

  T&C synchronises with my PDA

If I remember well, there was talk about a new "standard" that would make it 
possible for
applications to use the same database, but that doesn't help me right now...

Any suggestions???


Best whishes!

Mark Partous

Using Barca 1.4.1001 L

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