Hi Gleason,

In reply to <mid:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> :

>> But  it's  not  the  case here, is it? TB! problems are not located
>> elsewhere,  mainly  TB!  problems are, IMHO, due to radical changes
>> and  extreme anxiety to release a final version when major problems
>> are still present.

GP> Don't  know  how  much  we  can  safely  hypothesize about extreme
GP> anxiety.   I   do  know  that  very  few  players  in  the  online
GP> communications  arena see it in their interest to delay release of
GP> the  product  until there are no more problems with it. Management
GP> will  say,  get the product out there so it can pay for continuing
GP> development.  If  it  won't  do that, we want to find that out now
GP> before  we  put  any  more money into it. That is fairly universal
GP> with software managers.

Well,  putting  out  3.5  surely didn't do any good to Ritlabs quality
image. In fact, seeing people in this list using Mulberry email client
isn't a good sign. I'm sure you'll agree on this.

>> I  would  say,  "a matter of careful testing". For instance, VMWare
>> has  an  excellent  product, that surely has bugs, but that are not
>> evident.  By  the  traffic  in  the  list  you  can see most people
>> complaining  about  something  wrong  in  some part of TB! and many
>> other people confirming. We're here talking about an email client.

GP> What  you  are  really saying is that VM worked for you. You don't
GP> know how many other people it did not work for.

Not  really! Subscribe ANY newsgroup in their newsserver. You see most
people  asking how to do something and very few complaining about some
broken feature. And lets skip the product complexity.

Here  we  see almost everybody complaining about something not working
as   it  should. I had 25 betas to get a buggy final and we still have
an excessive number of bugs.

>> With  TB!  I  have  problems  at least once a week. Yesterday I had
>> problems  downloading my email. It stalled. I had to abort the task
>> and  download  it  again.  In  the  end  I had to kill TB! via task
>> manager  because  it  would  refuse  to quit due to some unfinished
>> task. This is not convenient and has been reported repeatedly.

GP> On  the other hand, I have not seen this behavior since the stable
GP> release last September.

I  use  TB on more than one environment and I see this behavior a lot.
And  several  others  see it. It's hard to establish a connection with
what  causes  this but it's there. At least with the 3.5 series we can
kill the stalled task, it's an improvement...

Many  people  complain about AV. OTFE has problems. Threading seems to
be broken. IMAP is not working well...

GP> I would say that a fault in a program will consistently appear for
GP> nearly  all  users,  the  one  exception too often seems to be the
GP> development computer.

I  disagree  with  you  on  this.  I  was a Ak-mail user and never had
problems with it. I just switch from it to TB! because development was
kind of dead and the English version isn't updated anymore.

People  here  using  Mulberry seem to be very happy. You may get their
testimonial  here.  I'm  willing to give it a try. It's always good to
have a backup client.

Best regards,
Goncalo Farias

as easy to spot as a kangaroo in a dinner jacket.<R Chandl

 Current beta is 3.5.26 | 'Using TBBETA' information:
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