Hello Thomas.

--On 21 June 2005 00:01 +0700 you wrote about Re: Distributed "AS IS":

> It is over here, called Purge&Compress. But then, I'm talking POP and
> believe you are talking IMAP.

Correct. POP is local so even if you don't delete them at least they're
still on your PC. With IMAP they get marked for deletion and only get
deleted when you change folders, that process is *very* unreliable and only
occasionally works. If it doesn't then those messages you thought you
deleted will remain on someone else's server. I know they're still "Safe"
but that's not the point, I expect software to carry out my instructions to
the letter, not *when it* feels like it.

However, there is a way to do it manually, CTRL+C, that I could live with
till RIT sorted it. It does however get very boring when all you see is "No
message loaded" or "Folder does not exist on server" when these problems
don't exist at all with other clients using the very same IMAP server. 



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