Hello Avi!

On Thursday, June 23, 2005, 12:54 PM, you wrote:

>> > ... and we know what Mary's like for couthness :)

>> No, no! Uncouth is good!
>> I just only have a religiously-inbred prejudice against seeing "damn"
>> and "hell" in print. (And other such approaches to taking the name of
>> the Judaeo-Christian deity in vain, by inference or otherwise.)
>> Trying to overcome this deficiency in myself, however. :)

> So let me get this straight, Mary. It disturbs you to see words like
> "damn" and "hell" in print (unless they are in quotation marks),

LOL And "Oh God" and "omigod" also--there's even a Smiley kicking
around somewhere, too, for the last one :thinking: <sigh>

> ... but
> words like "sh_t", "f_ck", and... oh well... "motherf_cker" - am I not
> being subtle here by omitting a vowel - those words don't disturb you?

Well, yes, they do, but from a different brain-data-base. That's the
"be a lady" database of my Depression-era generation.

The others are from my Bible Belt brain-data-base.

But I have only complained publicly on TBBETA in the past about "damn"
and "hell," especially when guys were putting those into heated posts.

Vernacular usages, such as "sweating like a pig," I am entirely at
home with. We say that sort of stuff in the U.S. Bible Belt, at least
in some social classes. :gdr:

Are you planning to join me here for fish and parsley, shortly? (I get
the fish and you get the parsley?)

Best regards,
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