
9> Hi All, 

9>  So,  how  some  testers  have  already  seen,  I've  returned  at the
9>  beginning  of the week. It took a long time to read all  messages :-)

9>  We  are  taking  course  to  not-fixed-date  releases, which means no
9>  deadlines  and no rush. Only approved by your responses versions will
9>  be named releases.

9>  Currently main directions of TB! development are:
9>  - IMAP
9>  - Unicode support
9>  - HTML editor improvements
9>  - Customization
9>  - Bug-fixes
And what about MS Exchange support? It was promised on version 2.

Best regards, Den V. Yafyasov.
The Bat! v3.5
Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 1


 Current beta is 3.5.30 | 'Using TBBETA' information:
IMPORTANT: To register as a Beta tester, use this link first -

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