On Friday, June 24, 2005 at 10:51:28 AM [GMT -0500], 9val wrote:

> [-] IMAP   : progress bar index out of range on purge/compress
> [-] IMAP   : possibility to purge

I just tried purging.

However, it works only when the messages are simply marked for deletion
and not when they're moved to trash.

If the purged messages are set to be 'moved to trash', they're in fact,
just copied to trash and not deleted from the mailbox. The same applies
if the messages are moved to another mailbox.

If the purged messages are deleted without moving to trash, then purging
works as it should.

  -= Allie Martin =-
The Bat!™ v3.5.0.31
System Specs: http://www.ac-martin.com/sysspecs.htm
1200 bps used to seem so fast

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