On Monday, June 27, 2005, at 09:05 AM, 9Val wrote:

AM>> I also question the efficiency of the flag updating. It makes having
AM>> large IMAP mailbox prohibitive when it really shouldn't be. I'm hoping
AM>> that this can be optimised somehow.

> Just finished some optimizations, they will be available very soon  

Excellent. I'll be happy to test drive that enhancement. :)

I'm now back to TB! almost full-time, so you have my testing time all
the way now.

-= Allie M.=-
Using TB! v3.5.30
System Specs: http://www.landscreek.net/sysspecs.htm
...How to Catch Worms by Earl E. Bird

 Current beta is 3.5.31 | 'Using TBBETA' information:
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