Hello Allie,

> Now that I've discovered the minimalist glyph set for TB!, I've been
> using it with 16x16 sizes. I rather like the spartan look of them and
> the way they take well to a small size.
> I re-enabled the editor toolbar and it appeared *beside* the main menu
> toolbar.
> I adjusted the toolbar's position to its rightful place underneath the
> main menu toolbar.

Please send me or to us some SMALL size screenshot (I am always
confused if TBUDL or TBBETa is the one with attach possibilities),
because I dont quite understand what you are saying. Pictures are more
informative. You may use my private email address if attach is not
alowed here.

Also, check your HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\RIT\The Bat!\Editor
Toolbars key settings in the registry, check if they are changed after
you readjust the toolbar's position.

> However,  each  time I restart the editor, the main toolbar is again
> beside the main menu! It looks like the editor isn't remembering any
> settings except the window size.

We will figure out if it is reproducible.


 Current beta is 3.5.36 | 'Using TBBETA' information:
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