On 7/1/05, Vili wrote:
> :) I meant that if I doubleclick on your mail, then I can read it from
> PopTray. I got error messages so far... But now it is okay.

I understood you, Vili. I just wasn't acquainted with PopTray - I
surmised the type of application by its name - but never bothered to
investigate it... until a few minutes ago. Many years ago, I used to
have something like that, but I've moved on. TB's mail ticker and
flapping bat icon in the status bar or tray is sufficient for my
purposes. Out of curiosity though, what is it that you like about
PopTray that you are missing in TB?

Avi Yashar
Windows XP Pro SP2 and The Bat! Pro (No OTFE) 3.5.36

 Current beta is 3.5.36 | 'Using TBBETA' information:
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