Hello 9Val,

On Tuesday, 05 Juli 2005 at 03:19 PM you (9Val) wrote:

> >> An error occurred while reading the message base ...\Fastmail
> >> (IMAP)\55DBCDFF.TBB. Do you want to repair the message base now?
> >
> > This error message is a bit silly, perhaps we need to discuss these
> > messages in IMAP accounts in general with the developers. Everything is
> > on the server and when there is something corrupt in the message base,
> > than TB! should just fetch the needed informations from the server.
> > 9Val, Maxim - thinking of implementing this feature or is it silly?
> That  error  message  notifies that something wrong occured with local
> cache and has nothing common with server-side mailbox state.

Nope, that's not what I intended to say. I know that nothing is corrupt on the 

I would have suggested the following action ins "Pseudo Code":
if ( getCurrentMessageBase().isCorrupt() && getCurrentAccount().isIMAP() ) {
 displayMessage( "Your local message base is corrupt. Do you want to
  fetch the required information from the server?" );

Actually the user is a bit swamped with the message. He doesn't get any 
suggestion what has to be done, whereas fetching the required information 
should be easy to handle, shouldn't it?

Manuel, http://www.manuel-breitfeld.de

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