Hello Bill!

On Wednesday, July 06, 2005, 5:18 PM, you wrote:

>> From our Monthly reminder letter.  It lets you see a picture of the
>> person who sent the e-mail as viewed in the attachment.

> OK, I have noticed that the author of the monthly
> reminder has his picture in the right hand corner of
> the mail - but no X-Rogue header (he is using the
> :name: tag - which I though generated the X-Rogue
> header).

It can be generated in two ways, as you did read.

> However, unlike in the monthly mail, your picture is
> not visible to me.

Two questions:

1) Is my picture visible to you?

2) Have you downloaded the Rogues.zip from PCWize?

Actually, three questions:

If you've never downloaded the Rogues.zip, did you by chance ever put
the picture of the author of the monthly reminder in your Address Book
for him, or put his v-card in your address book?

Best regards,
The Bat 3.51 on Windows XP 5.1 2600 Service Pack 2

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