--On 7/07/2005 11:43 -0400 Vili wrote:
So, it has its problems, also... had crashes, also...

You're being ridiculous for effect, I'm afraid.

These issues pertain to the new version 4 just released. They have been acknowledged by the developer, Cyrus Daboo, as affecting some people and he has resolved them. None of them are particularly serious and they do not affect the core functionality of the programme which is so much more responsive and effective in its IMAP implementation. You can not make a meaningful comparison with issues that have been resolved in Mulberry and an almost wilful ignoring of major problems that TB users have posted on BugTrak.

For your information, I was using v4 alpha 1 of Mulberry when it was released and, in a real-world comparison to a 'production' version of TB, it behaved in a much more polished and mature way.

Nuff said.

Clive Taylor

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