Hello 9Val!

On Thursday, July 07, 2005, 2:40 PM, you wrote:

> Perhaps it is time to disable locating smileys in the message body, as
> you  remember,  it  was  migration  step  from  initial Leif's idea to
> the X-Rogue header field

9Val, am I misunderstanding you?
Do you mean "Roguemoticons" from the Rogues folder and Rogues.msl file?

If so, I do agree.

Or do you mean all Smileys, from the Default and the PCW Images
folders and their .msl files?

That would be the equivalent of abandoning the Smiley capability and
it would make me very sad. :(

Best regards,
The Bat 3.51 on Windows XP 5.1 2600 Service Pack 2

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