Hi Everyone!

A long time ago in a galaxy far far away, I wrote something along the lines

> anyone  have  a handy macro to quote one message but reply to the initiator of
> the thread to which it belongs?

Well,  no-one  did,  and  I said I might have a bash at creating one. Now I find
myself totally unable to sleep after a very long and very entertaining work day,
and  what  should  spring to mind but that exact rash promise. So here, for your
edification and entertainment, is my little system for doing just this.

I've  tested it using 3.51 Pro on XP on list and non-list messages, and it seems
to work just fine.

To achieve best results - OK, any results at all - you'll need all the following

=====[ Begin PlainThreadTopMID ]=====
%REM='Returns the MID of the first message in the thread in a format suitable 
for entry in a header field'
%REM='Created on 2005-07-09'
=====[ End PlainThreadTopMID ]=====

=====[ Begin QuoteMIDOfQuotedMessage ]=====
%REM='Returns the MID of the message from which text is quoted in a format 
suitable for quoting in the body of a message'
=====[ End QuoteMIDOfQuotedMessage ]=====

=====[ Begin QuoteThreadTopMID ]=====
%REM='Returns the MID of the first message in the thread in a format suitable 
for quoting in the body of a message'
=====[ End QuoteThreadTopMID ]=====

=====[ Begin ReplyToThreadTop ]=====
%REM='Replies to the first message in a thread quoting text from another 
message in the thread and threading to the top of the thread'
In reply to the thread beginning with %-
%QInclude(QuoteThreadTopMID) %-
quoting text from %-
=====[ End ReplyToThreadTop ]=====


The Bat! 3.51 Pro on Windows XP Pro 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 2

 Current beta is 3.51 | 'Using TBBETA' information:
IMPORTANT: To register as a Beta tester, use this link first -

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