Hello Wayne Howard,

on 09-Jul-2005 at 23:32 you (Wayne Howard) wrote:

> Not sure what you mean by that. How do I "change references" and why
> should I? I also don't understand what you mean by having a hard time
> finding my message. How did you know to look for it if you did not see it
> in the first place? Please explain. I am very much a novice using The
> Bat!

Press F9 to view the "source code" of your message. You'll find two
headers, "In-Reply-To" and "References", the first one contains the
message-id of the message you are replying to, the second contains all the
message-ids of the previous messages in that conversation.

I assume you have a separate folder where you filter this lists messages
to. Select your own message in that folder. Press ALT+1 and see where your
message is. :-)

This function is called "threading" (ALT+1 is a shortcut to the menu item
View | Display thread by... | References), and maybe you'll agree that it
is a very handy feature.

Best regards,
 Alexander (http://www.neurowerx.de - ICQ 238153981)

Nothing splendid has ever been acheived except by those who dared
believe that something inside them was superior to circumstance. --
Bruce Barton

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